| | Feeling Fancy Start your spatulas; if there's a time for a decidedly unlazy breakfast, it just might be this Sunday. (Bringing your mom a bowl of Cheerios isn't going to cut it.) Maybe your mom loves healthy, fresh, veggie-centric recipes, or maybe she's more of a crazy carnivore. We've got marvelous Mother's Day recipes for every type and taste! | Excellent Eggs | Make Her a Mimosa! Give your mom a break--and give her a drink. It's the least you can do for all of the times that she was truly your designated driver. Mimosas are light and classic, but a lemontini or a Pink Lady just might be in order. In fact, make it a double! | Sweeten Your Sunday I don't know about your mom, but mine has a serious sweet tooth. Make sure to spoil her with almond croissants, coconut cupcakes, or whatever desserts tickle her fancy. Fun fact: carbs don't exist on Mother's Day! | | | | Related Searches | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About.com Today newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from all newsletters sent from About.com, please send an email to optout@about.com with "Unsubscribe" as the subject line. About.com respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 © 2014 About.com | | | | Trending Now | | | Follow us on: | | | | Advertisement | |