| With high school graduation season behind us, it's time for America's new grads to start looking ahead to adulthood. The good news is that the real world won't happen all at once -- most grads will live at home or go off to college, and they can even stay on their parents' health insurance. But with grade school behind you, it is time to start making some real financial decisions... | | Get a Job! (Or Make One Yourself) If you haven't secured summer employment by now, you might have a tough search ahead of you. But it sure would be nice to sock away some money while you're still living rent-free with your parents. So if the local hardware store isn't hiring, why not try your hand at entrepreneurship and start a business this summer? | Get a Credit Card If you don't have a credit card yet, you should get one this summer. No, not so you can spend money you don't have -- there will be plenty of that when you take out your student loans. Rather, getting a credit card as a teenager is important because it starts building a credit history at an early age, thus helping you have a strong credit score when the time comes to get a home or auto loan. | Get a Student Loan (or Don't) If you have your eye on higher education, a student loan may be in your future. Before you take out a massive loan to finance that college degree, make sure you've considered all the alternatives. And once you've exhausted alternate modes of funding, make sure you go about borrowing in a smart way. | Get Smart About Money The main advantage of being a new high school grad instead of a new college grad? You've got time to learn about this money stuff before you're tossed into the deep end. In addition to learning about things like budgeting and credit management, you can also start thinking about ways to ensure that you're financially successful after college. | | | | Related Searches | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About.com Today newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from all newsletters sent from About.com, please send an email to optout@about.com with "Unsubscribe" as the subject line. About.com respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 © 2014 About.com | | | | | | Follow us on: | | | | Advertisement | |